The Institute for Surgical Excellence (ISE) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to standardizing education and training in emergent technologies. ISE has also developed a unique community educational program known as Healthcare Explorers Day to educate and inspire elementary and high school students to learn about the importance of health and wellness and consider careers in healthcare. Over the past decade, ISE members have educated and hopefully inspired the lives of over 1000 students in local communities to choose health and wellness as part of their everyday lives.

Visit Our Website
More information can be found on our website: www.surgicalexcellence.org

The Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC) is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to increasing awareness, education, and research about women’s health and the five gynecologic cancers. FWC #MovetheMessage participates in local community events across diverse populations to empower patients with information about their gynecologic health, and their opportunities for disease prevention in multiple languages. The FWC Move4Her campaign drives large scale awareness and fundraising events across the country, including grass roots efforts and large pinnacle events, to shine a bright light on the importance of women’s health and gynecologic cancers. Further, the FWC empowers research to chart a new future for women’s health and gynecologic cancers. Many leaders of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology launched their career with one of the highly coveted FWC research grants.
Through research, education and awareness, the mission of the FWC is to create a brighter future for all at risk for, or affected by these diseases, and FWC has a strong track record of organizing impactful events that foster education, support, and community involvement. Our website includes educational content, clinical trial information, upcoming events, and Move4Her information.

Core Values
Promote public awareness of gynecologic cancer prevention, early diagnosis, and optimal treatment.
Diversity and Inclusion
Commit to cultural humility and diversity of thought and engagement.
Provide innovative education and continuous learning.
Set an example of integrity, quality, and excellence to eradicate gynecologic cancers.
Support efforts of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) to eradicate gynecologic cancers.
Advance innovation and discovery to eradicate gynecologic cancers.